

Created by Nick Albanese, Erin Morales, Adia Matousek, and Jake Frizzelle.

Thank you to everyone at UNCSA that helped make this possible!


Same Sh*t. Different Year.

In our current climate, it’s easy to think that we’re living in an unprecedented era, but history constantly repeats itself. “Same Sh*t. Different Year.” is an interactive soundscape that focuses on the information we exchange, the spaces where we exchange it, and the technology that assists in that conversation. The internet is the centerpiece of this exhibit, as all forms of media (radio, television, community hubs) end up here. The internet forces these mediums to adapt and change. With all the advancements occurring today, some fear that our face-to-face interactions may cease to exist; yet, even now, we continue to come together in person as we always have. Underneath all the information and fractured scenes, the whole picture continues to exist, unaffected by the chaos around it.

Photo Credit: UNCSA — Jake Frizzelle and Raunak Kapoor

